
BAM and ABC+ Treating PCE Plume


BAM and ABC+ Treating PCE Plume Share on facebook Facebook Share on google Google+ Share on twitter Twitter Share on linkedin LinkedIn The subsurface beneath a currently busy, multi-business structure is delineated as the source area for impacted groundwater. The soil matrix is predominantly silt. Remedial DPT injections targeted migrating plumes emerging from the source

BAM and ABC+ Treating PCE Plume2024-06-17T10:51:25-05:00

ISCO Inject & Extract Reducing LNAPL


ISCO & Extraction Treating LNAPL Share on facebook Facebook Share on google Google+ Share on twitter Twitter Share on linkedin LinkedIn Corrosion of an oil water separator at an operating locomotive service building resulted in the release of LNAPL into the subsurface. ORIN successfully treated soil and groundwater utilizing a combination of in-situ chemical oxidation

ISCO Inject & Extract Reducing LNAPL2024-06-17T10:51:26-05:00

ISCO & Extraction Treating LNAPL


ISCO & Extraction Treating LNAPL Share on facebook Facebook Share on google Google+ Share on twitter Twitter Share on linkedin LinkedIn ORIN successfully reduced the amount of LNAPL within the groundwater utilizing a combination of in situ chemical oxidation and vacuum extraction. Approximately four vacuum extraction events took place prior to the full scale injection

ISCO & Extraction Treating LNAPL2024-06-17T10:51:26-05:00

In-Situ DPT Injection Benzene


In-Situ DPT Injection Benzene Share on facebook Facebook Share on google Google+ Share on twitter Twitter Share on linkedin LinkedIn ORIN successfully treated BTEX contaminated groundwater utilizing ORIN’s patented Bioavailable Absorbent Media (BAM). The primary contaminant, Benzene, was prevalent in five of the primary monitoring wells on site. ORIN utilized DPT in order to pinpoint

In-Situ DPT Injection Benzene2024-06-17T10:51:27-05:00

In-Situ Chemical Oxidation BTEX


In-Situ Chemical Oxidation BTEX Share on facebook Facebook Share on google Google+ Share on twitter Twitter Share on linkedin LinkedIn  ORIN successfully treated BTEX contaminated groundwater utilizing in-situ chemical oxidation. Approximately 70 gallons of catalyzed sodium persulfate at 18-percent solution was injected into each of the forty-two injection points at depth-specific intervals. Each interval received

In-Situ Chemical Oxidation BTEX2024-06-17T10:51:27-05:00

Ex-Situ Soil Mix—BTEX, MTBE, & Naphthalene


Ex-Situ Soil Mix—BTEX, MTBE, & Naphthalene Share on facebook Facebook Share on google Google+ Share on twitter Twitter Share on linkedin LinkedIn ORIN successfully treated BTEX, MTBE, & Naphthalene contaminated plume with ex-situ chemical oxidation. An excavator was present to displace a certain area of soil down to depth. A portion of that soil was

Ex-Situ Soil Mix—BTEX, MTBE, & Naphthalene2024-06-17T10:51:27-05:00