Remediation and Wastewater Case Studies
ORIN is restoring polluted resources to conditions that exceed environmental regulatory standards.

Condensate Underflow
AOTech process eliminated sulfide, thiol, and organic acid odors from a paper mill’s 86,000 GPD condensate discharge, solving community concerns.

Industrial Effluent
AOTech technology improved industrial effluent treatment from 68% to 99% sulfide reduction, maximizing short retention windows.

Oil Water Separator
Discover how AOTech process eliminated H2S and achieved 90% mercaptan reduction in a chemical facility’s emulsified waste stream, resolving community odor issues.

Anaerobic Digester Effluent – Industrial
Discover how an industrial anaerobic digester achieved 97% sulfide reduction and 27% TSS decrease, replacing ferric chloride with innovative AOTech treatment.

Former Gas Station UST Release—Southwest Illinois
Learn how a Southwest Illinois gas station achieved 97% reduction in petroleum contamination, meeting IEPA objectives through innovative ex-situ chemical oxidation treatment.

Former Co-op—Central Nebraska
See how a former Nebraska co-op achieved 100% benzene reduction, transforming 7.544 mg/L contamination to non-detect levels using strategic BAM treatment around a single well.

Former Asphalt Plant—Central Mississippi
Explore how a former Mississippi asphalt plant achieved 100% reduction in petroleum hydrocarbons using innovative BAM technology and nutrient combinations in dual pilot studies.

Former Gas Station—Southern Indiana
Learn how a former Indiana gas station achieved 90.9% benzene reduction and site closure using BAM technology, transforming wells with 10,800 µg/L contamination to non-detect levels.

Former Gas Station – Southern Nebraska
Discover how a former Nebraska gas station achieved 85% BTEX reduction using strategic chemical oxidation and vacuum extraction, with continued bioremediation promotion.

Former Manufacturing Facility—Wisconsin
Learn how a Wisconsin manufacturing facility achieved 99.99% TCE reduction in heavily contaminated soil using innovative BAM and Fenton’s Reagent combination for non-hazardous disposal.

Former Dry Cleaner—Central Indiana
Discover how a busy Indiana business complex achieved 92% PCE reduction and non-detect levels in groundwater using strategic BAM and ABC+ treatment while maintaining operations.

Former Dry Cleaners—Northeast Illinois
Explore how a former Illinois dry cleaning site achieved complete PCE treatment in 720 cubic yards of soil using innovative BAM and chemical oxidation combination for non-hazardous disposal.

Former Industrial Plant—Central Minnesota
Discover how a Minnesota industrial site treated 9,120 cubic yards of TCE-contaminated soil using innovative oxidation and BAM technology, enabling successful commercial redevelopment.

Former Coal Gasification Plant—Northern Wisconsin
Learn how a former coal gasification plant near Lake Superior achieved breakthrough NAPL removal using sonic drilling and multi-phase treatment in challenging geology.

Active Gas Station—Eastern Michigan
See how an active Michigan gas station eliminated LNAPL contamination and achieved 78% BTEX reduction using innovative chemical oxidation treatment while maintaining operations.

Active Railroad Yard—Northeast Illinois
Discover how an active Illinois railroad yard achieved complete LNAPL removal within 72 hours using innovative combination of chemical oxidation and vacuum extraction.

Agronomy Co-op – Eastern Wisconsin
Discover how BAM technology achieved 97.9% reduction in Alachlor contamination within 40 days at an agricultural co-op, succeeding where traditional excavation failed.

Former Tannery—Northeast Michigan (BAM Booms)
Discover how innovative BAM-filled booms and pillows achieved 73% PFAS reduction in surface water through passive treatment, requiring minimal maintenance.

Former Tannery—Northeast Michigan (Phytoremediation)
A Michigan tannery site achieved PFAS reduction through an innovative combination of phytoremediation, BAM technology, and microbial treatment in groundwater.