Project Summary

ORIN successfully reduced the amount of LNAPL within the groundwater utilizing a combination of in situ chemical oxidation and vacuum extraction. Approximately four vacuum extraction events took place prior to the full scale injection event. A vacuum extraction truck was onsite and was utilized simultaneous to the injection event. 122 injection wells with a screened interval of 15 to 35 ft bgs were used to deliver the treatment chemistry. A total of approximately 86,430 gallons of treatment chemistry was injected across the site.

Project Results

The remedial efforts aided in reducing the thicknesses of free product in the subsurface. Of the nine monitoring wells within the injection area, LNAPL was reduced by 67% and benzene was reduced by 18%. Out of the 122 injection wells on site, free product was reduced by 83%. These reductions were after one injection event. Site monitoring will continue to determine any further action for this site.