Free Product Removal Injection—BTEX


Free Product Removal Injection—BTEX Share on facebook Facebook Share on google Google+ Share on twitter Twitter Share on linkedin LinkedIn ORIN successfully implemented Free Product Removal (FPR) in-situ chemical oxidation using catalyzed sodium persulfate to treat LNAPL, contaminated soil, and groundwater. Treatment chemistry was injected while the Geoprobe rods were raised throughout the target interval.

Free Product Removal Injection—BTEX2024-06-17T10:51:26-05:00

ISCO Inject & Extract Reducing LNAPL


ISCO & Extraction Treating LNAPL Share on facebook Facebook Share on google Google+ Share on twitter Twitter Share on linkedin LinkedIn Corrosion of an oil water separator at an operating locomotive service building resulted in the release of LNAPL into the subsurface. ORIN successfully treated soil and groundwater utilizing a combination of in-situ chemical oxidation

ISCO Inject & Extract Reducing LNAPL2024-06-17T10:51:26-05:00

ISCO & Extraction Treating LNAPL


ISCO & Extraction Treating LNAPL Share on facebook Facebook Share on google Google+ Share on twitter Twitter Share on linkedin LinkedIn ORIN successfully reduced the amount of LNAPL within the groundwater utilizing a combination of in situ chemical oxidation and vacuum extraction. Approximately four vacuum extraction events took place prior to the full scale injection

ISCO & Extraction Treating LNAPL2024-06-17T10:51:26-05:00