AOTECH is a patented advanced oxidation process that generates free radicals to destroy contaminants quickly and efficiently without creating harmful byproducts.
What is it?
The patented AOTech advanced oxidation process is most easily explained as a supercharged oxidation reaction. Our proprietary activators are introduced together with a hydrogen peroxide solution to generate free radicals. These free radicals destroy contaminants quickly and efficiently. This technology does not create harmful reaction byproducts and aids biological treatment in wastewater treatment systems.
Why is it unique?
AOTech catalysts can eliminate sulfide in your stressed aeration basins without the addition of hydrogen peroxide or other strong oxidizers. Our non-hazardous, biodegradable activators interact with the oxygen introduced by your aerators to rapidly oxidize existing sulfide. Adding AOTech prior to the aerators oxidizes the sulfide before it is released in the turbulence of the aeration basin.

What are the benefits?
Short reaction time
Low capital investment
No specialized/proprietary equipment requirements
Effectively treats high contaminant loads
Treats wide range of contaminants and odor compounds
Functions well in high oxidant demand conditions
Functions in wide range of operating conditions (pH, temperature, turbidity, color)
Not impacted by gas solubility rates