Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a group of man-made chemicals that includes PFOA and PFOS. This group of substances are known as “forever chemicals” because of their stability that prevents limited natural breakdown. ORIN has developed an effective treatment approach to combat the complexities of PFAS treatment. Simply put BAM is an absorbent material that works like a sponge to capture PFAS and hold in place.

A concern with any PFAS remediation endeavor is Total Oxidizable Precursors (TOP). Oxidizable precursor compounds are those that can be oxidized and result in the production of additional PFAS compounds. The presence of these compounds on any given site may render oxidation processes undesirable due to the additional PFAS compounds that may be produced. BAM’s sorbative properties allow for the removal of TOP compounds in addition to the PFAS compounds present resulting in better reductions of PFAS.

Offering The Best Environmental Remediation And Wastewater Solutions

ORIN Technologies specializes in oxidation, bioremediation, reduction, and advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) to address specific issues in remediation and water treatment.

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